
_utilities.less is a reuseable collection of basic Less mixins.


The .lib-clearfix() mixin is a modern solution for healing container`s height which have floated elements. Also its applying prevents top-margins from collapsing.

Container with floated child elements without .lib-clearfix()

Container with floated child elements with .lib-clearfix()

.example-clearfix-container-1 {
    border: 1px solid #f00;

.example-clearfix-container-2 {
    border: 1px solid #0f0;

.example-clearfix-item.left {
    float: left;
.example-clearfix-item.right {
    float: right;


The .lib-visibility-hidden()() mixin changes element`s visibility to hidden and height to 0.

This is a block with applied .lib-visibility-hidden() mixin.

.example-visibility-hidden {


The .lib-visually-hidden() mixin safely hides the element for accessibility reasons.

This is a block with applied .lib-visually-hidden() mixin.

.example-visually-hidden-1 {


The .lib-visually-hidden-reset() mixin resets hidden visibility and makes element again visible.

This is a block with applied .lib-visually-hidden-reset() mixin after .lib-visually-hidden() applying.

.example-visually-hidden-2 {
    background: #fdf0d5;
    padding: 5px;

.example-visually-hidden-2 {


The .lib-css() mixin is used to set any css property if there is a value passed to it by a variable. Also .lib-css() can add -ms-, -webkit- and -moz- prefixes if needed.

If the variable is set to false, the .lib-css() mixin will add nothing to the code.

.example-css-container {
    .lib-css(padding, @indent__base);
    .lib-css(background, @secondary__color);

.example-css-container-2 {
    .lib-css(background, false);

.lib-css() variables

Mixin variable Default value Allowed values Comment
@_property false '' | false | value Any css property
@_value false '' | false | value Any css value
@_prefix 0 '' | false | 1 If set to "1" adds -ms-, -webkit- and -moz- prefixes to the property


The .lib-rotate() mixin is a wrapper for css3 transform property with rotate value.

.example-rotate {
    background: #f00;
    position: absolute;
    height: 20px;
    width: 40px;
        @_rotation: 45deg;

.lib-rotate() variables

Mixin variable Default value Allowed values Comment
@rotation '' '' | false | value Transform rotate value, false or ''


The .lib-input-placeholder() mixin is used to change placeholder font-color and font-weight.

.example-placeholder {
    .lib-input-placeholder(#808080, bold);

.lib-input-placeholder() variables

Mixin variable Default value Allowed values Comment
@_input-placeholder-color @form-element-input-placeholder__color '' | false | value Input placeholder color
@_input-placeholder-font-weight @form-element-input__font-weight '' | false | value Input placeholder font-weight


The .lib-background-gradient() mixin is used for applying custom css3 gradient.

.example-background-gradient-1 {
        @_background-gradient: true,
        @_background-gradient-direction: vertical,
        @_background-gradient-color-start: #cff,
        @_background-gradient-color-end: #ccf

.example-background-gradient-2 {
        @_background-gradient: true,
        @_background-gradient-direction: horizontal,
        @_background-gradient-color-start: #cff,
        @_background-gradient-color-end: #ccf

.example-background-gradient-3-wrapper {
    background: #ffc;
    padding: 10px;

.example-background-gradient-3 {
        @_background-gradient: true,
        @_background-gradient-direction: horizontal,
        @_background-gradient-color-start: rgba(255,255,255,0),
        @_background-gradient-color-end: #ccf,
        @_background-gradient-color-position: false

.lib-background-gradient() variables

Mixin variable Default value Allowed values Comment
@_background-gradient false '' | false | true If set to 'true' the element has gradient background
@_background-gradient-direction '' '' | horizontal | vertical Gradient direction (horizontal or vertical)
@_background-gradient-color-start '' '' | false | value Gradient start color (any css color)
@_background-gradient-color-end '' '' | false | value Gradient end color (any css color)
@_background-gradient-color-position false '' | false | true Sets the background-color fallback property. When set to 'false', the background-color property will be set to @_background-gradient-color-end. When set to 'true', the background-color property will be set to @_background-gradient-color-start